From Dreams Into Reality

From Dreams Into Reality

Dron Public School is in its 2006 year and has grown from roots into a fruit-laden tree where every student represents a flavor of persistence and a mind full of future vision. We are awakening to a new dawn. It is our vision and mission to create a world of a global challenging young generation who can excel in their life.

We intend to build a more strong institution and raise the bar of excellence in all spheres to the zenith. To reach this destination we assure that our doors will always be opened to the students and their parents for suggestions.

We also believe in preaching a never-say-die attitude and enduring the spirit of perseverance to not only make each child a good student but also to shape them into brilliant human beings.

सुखार्थिनः कुतो विद्या विद्यार्थिनः कुतः सुखम् ।

सुखार्थी वा त्यजेत्विद्यां विद्यार्थी व त्यजेत् सुखम् ।

जिसे सुख की अभिलाषा हो (कष्ट उठाना न हो ) उसे विद्या कहाँ से? और विधार्थी को सुख कहा से ? सुख की इच्छा रखने वाले को विद्या की आशा छोड़ने चाहिए, और विधार्थी को सुख की |


We endeavor to imbibe patriotic fervor in these young minds so that they learn to understand and respect the twin ideals of our nation. Democracy ad secularism. It gives us in manse pleasure to declare that our teaching faculties have worked hard to realize the dreams of our students and their parents, though greater triumphs and achievements await us.

We are sure the issue will encourage the students to pursue their dreams, and in doing so they will devote their energy to find innovative ways to be better citizens of India. Let them dream with their open.

Wishing all along association


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